Penguin win a library
This is third question in a series of six questions, running for 6 weeks, in a comp to win a library of books from from the Penguin book site and I am stuck. The question is: What is the Mysterious Goblin's name? The answer is in this riddle
The Goblin recited his riddle in a singsong voice:
"My first is in sugar and also in sweet,
My second's a legume, tasty to eat,
My third is myself, my fourth's an old chick,
My fifth's in an apple and also a brick,
My sixth just repeats what my fourth said above,
My seventh's a thousand, you will be my love,
My eighth's simply fifty, my ninth is a breeze,
If you follow my meaning you'll find it with ease.
My whole is a strange name, of that there's no doubt,
But though berries may lie, the truth it will out.
You may call me a thing but I swear I'm a man,
Now come and find me. That is, if you can."