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bensmum | 09:46 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
We've missed you this morning - hope you're okay


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probably still under the sheets keeping warm
bensmum, I agree! And dustypuss, you might be right....I don't blame her if she is, it is SO SO cold! x
Hi bensmum , dustypuss , and leelapops , I was up at 6 as usual but had had a bad night . I did my sons packed lunch and then went back to bed , with my head over a bucket . I have just got up and made myself a drink and am going to try to stay up now xxxxxx
sneaks in, whispers "pie cup", sneaks back out again,/i>
Caught you BOO , I heard that snigger of yours !
Question Author
Sorry to hear you're not well bigmamma - it was unusual not to hear from you early on. Hope that you're feeling a little better now. It's miserable having a bad stomach isn't it?
Take care XX
Thank you bensmum hun , it's the spondylosis in my neck and shoulders that gave me an awful headache and dizziness , that's what was making me sick too . xxxxx
Hope you have a better sleep tonight ...
call your GP if you're still unwell tomorrow ...
sure they can give you something to sort
it out ...take care ..
I agree with theonlyone. Be safe and take care, mamma. Get well soon! x
Thank you theonlyone , and leelapops :-) xxxxx
Hiya bigmamma my sister in law has spondylosis and suffers from terible headaches, sometimes she can't sleep and is wandering about for hours in the night.
I hope you feel better soon bigmamma.xx
Go and see your GP BM sound just like I was recently ..awful dizziness and nausea .I too have a problem with my neck ( and the rest of my body !) with arthritics etc but may neck is always painful .He diagnosed vertigo caused from pressure where the bones in the neck have collapsed and are pressing on some nerve or other ..He gave me some Stemitil tablets .Did the trick .
Mamma, please get well soon. {{{hugs}}}
Al xx
Oh yes pussnboots , it's difficult to get a comfy position at night to sleep. :-)
Hi shaneystar , that's exactly it , that's how I feel , I also have it in most of my body , it's more than a nuisance to say the least. I haven't been to the gp with this neck for ages , it is worse than ever , and my shoulders are painful too. I will go to my gp tomorrow if I can get an appointment and hopefully get some stemital too . :-)
Thank you for the hug weeal :-)

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