I always use to say that no one should look after your child but the mother. I also use to say if you can not afford them don't have them. People use to say if you always think that way you will never have one because you will never have enough money. I had a hard time of it growing up, we struggled and i mean we struggled! I use to be terrified to take my friends home, because we didnt have nothing. My Father worked my mother stayed home. I had a paper round and delivered leaflets on the weekend at 13years. And I still managed to do my homework. But because I had it so hard I look at my Son and think I want better, I don't want him to grow up the way i had too. My Father always said to me 'poverty is only around the corner', and 'it takes a life time to climb the ladder and 5 minutes to fall'. Its so true. I work 45 hours a day, I'm up about 4.30am and I drop my son off at his aunties around 11am and leave him 11.30am then its work for me 12noon-til 10pm. I did however try everything to get my hours reduced, they wouldn let me, I know your all probably thinking well get another job its easier said and done, if i worked in the day I would only see my Son for 3hours. This way I'm seeing him 6-7hours a day. Im so tired and sometimes think of giving up. I guess I've had too much of struggling and i want a good life for my Son. I don't spend my money on luxuries I spend my money on my Sons future!