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door stickers

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tamirra | 18:33 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Can anyone tell me where i can purchase the door stickers which say no jehovahs ( sorry cant spell that lol ) thanks


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Don't bother... its much more fun to open the door and watch them squirm as you ask 'what about the dinosaurs then?' ;o))
If you can't find one put a load of I donate blood ones they haven't called to my brothers for years now.
Just put a picture of Billy Graham in your window, they don;t like born again Christians as far as i am awate, as the born again Christian already has religious conviction, it's the lapsed catholics they go for I believe
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Or you could really freak 'em out by sticking a piccy of Tom Cruise on ya door.
Hmmm, why would you want a sticker?
Wouldnt it come off in the rain?
Copy and paste the image into a word processing program then print out :-)
surely it's worth buying at that price.
although when you think about it ,you might as well natter to them for half an hour as sit on here getting bored,
The best way to thwart a JW is to tell them you were brought up as one but got thrown out (disfellowshipped) for sex/drugs/rock and/or roll - any combination of the three and with details as gruesome and degenerate as possible (to welcome them into the 21st century properly). They all carry little cards around with them to identify those who are not may get the odd visit from enthusiatic ones who are trying to save you, but they soon get bored. Alternatively, you could try my dad's method of swearing at them for ruining his sunday and chase them down the drive with the nearest implement to hand (for fun, of course!). This will also go down on that little card as well. Mr was brought up a JW and used to enjoy 'vigorous' discussions with them which were hilarious - and I am a (very) lapsed Catholic. Dear God - perhaps we should never answer the door again...
Or, as an alternative to a door sticker, you could try one of these....

That'll certainly stop 'em knocking on your door! lol
well that's one of the four ... where are my spectacles watch and wallet tho'?
just stick your blood doners badge on the door
that will do the trick

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