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Caring for a lime tree

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LindaB | 21:33 Tue 30th Nov 2004 | Home & Garden
1 Answers
I have a small lime tree. I bought it in June whilst in Spain as I have an apartment there. Throughout the summer it has fared quite well producing about 6/7 fruit. During these hot months it was watered on a fairly regular basis (once a week). Now that the autumn/winter is here there is no-one to babysit my lime, maybe once a month or so..........any advice gratefully received. It lives on a balcony in a reasonably sheltered position.


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Hi Linda,
The obvious is that it probably won't survive if it doesn't get enough water. If it's in sun then the water will evaporate more quickly, if it's sheltered where it won't get rainfall then it won't get enough water, if it's rootbound or been in the pot a long time then it won't get enough water, if it's in a clay pot it will dry out more quickly then if it's in a plastic one and so on. Not sure what you are asking for here. Sounds like you either need to get someone to babysit the tree, install a drip irrigation system on a timer or give the plant to someone.


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