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Berkshire Hunts

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nocturnalme | 06:12 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
There seem to have been some right berks on here last night. Is this common? Is it a Friday night thing? It's really annoying to get 'hilarious' replies like "I dunno" and "Nobody's answered you" when you post a question. Unfunny gits ....... Grrrr...


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Glad I went to bed early, not really posting much here lately cos it isn't very interesting or rewarding to be insulted and abused by strangers, my fighting back tactic didn't work, my reporting to the ed didnlt work, my ignoring tactic had some success, but my not being around didn;t work either cos I still get mentioned in a derogatory way or insulted when I havn;t even been signed in, and so I just stick with the ignore option, which statistically has proven the most successful.
I ignore too, Dot.

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