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Is your computer desk

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DONNNAKEBAB | 08:18 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
a mess? i.e. rings from your coffee cup, papers and mail scattered over it, a tin with lots of pens that dont work etc.

Or is it just me ?

Right - Time to clean it. !

Katie. x


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My computer desk is at the moment full of flying instructions for husbands flight sim, flying mags and currency and paperwork for our holiday tomorrow
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ooooooooooooooooohhh where are you going?

Does your husband have a PPL?

I always wanted one but could never understand navigation.

Katie. x
Going to Cyprus for 2 weeks :)
He has had a couple of lessons at Barton (near Trafford Centre) but it cost a fortune so don't think he will ever get his ppl
When I was at work my desk was a mess all the time. I used to overspill on to other peoples too BUT cos I worked twice as hard as them, I didnt have time to clean it. It always used to be brought up in my supervision to be less messy in the office lol x
Hee , funny how everything ends up on it isn't it , I just cleared mine so it actually looks tidy at the moment ;-) xxx
I don't have a computer desk, the printer and scanner are in a the cupboard and I take out when I need to use them.... just my laptop which I move about the house with me : )
hello katie,

mine is lovely and tidy cause i only got it on wednesday! The other was another matter though ;-)
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Hi jules.

hope you are well, havent heard you lately but have been getting lots of early nights to try and get well.

Been busy at work though and its dead stressful at the moment.

Next weeks pay will make up for it though and we are off to London so lots of shopping power.

Love Katie.

Mines actually very tidy at the moment because i had a clear out last week.I bought some storage drawers from Argos so everythings now in those.I can see one little pinky coloured spot from last nights wine though.Now where is that cloth?????
Hi Katie, ive not been on here as much to be honest. Been fairly busy doing other stuff this week.

Hope youre feeling better hun!

Have a fantastic time in London! Im sure you will though, all those shops! woohoo!
I cleaned mine yesterday. I decided to clear out the drawers too. I keep all those pens that get sent through the post from charities. They work for one day if you get a good one!

In my last job I had to share a desk. The woman that used it in the afternoon was so scruffy. She left food all over the top, dirty cups and all her work she hadn't finished. I'm pleased to be out of there.
Afternoon honeybun . . . for some strange reason, every place i spend an hour or more starts to look like that. . .coffee mugs and the ring on the table, inches away from the coaster.

The ashtray with the dropped ash that so nearly made it.

An empty lidls-own redbull can.

But its homely. . . . .lol :o)

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Is your computer desk

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