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legend006 | 20:51 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
So its saturday night.
Are you staying in and on cb?
Or are you offf out to find some fun and entertainment?
Whats your plans?
Ive got a cheeeky bottle of rose , pull up a chair , wanna have a natter ??

Legends never die.



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youre so bad

max wont go

shes got habit of missin planes lol

btw .........................i am whiffey !!!!!!
Jeez leg, I'll end it all now lol !!!
He'll always be 49.
Question Author
its cool skip

im gonna open a bottle of rose lol

look out brain cells

btw .........................i am whiffey !!!!!!
Bought a posh bottle of wait for it! ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. sherry! Harvey Nichols! What a pretentious shopping experience! Two blokes on the door, young things everywhere not doing much. Went to oddbins, now taken over, what I wanted was out of stock, reccomended H N. Not touching it tonight, taste buds are shot! Got a reccomendation for this off the food & drink section on here. How short life is. Let's all get on with it, no regrets! xxx
Yeah, I'm not a very good

Size 26? they won't be very tight-fitting then....But maybe that's good, unless you enjoy seeing wobbling rolls of flesh? lol
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max is a chicken btw

knobby she says shes lookin for a man too
we could get her one in madyorker no probs

methinks the lady protesteth too much

BTW .........................I AM WHIFFEY !!!!!!
Ah but I'm very particular! why do you think I'm still single at 30???

Oh wait.....;O)
Hi Leg and everyone,
Sons gone out clubbing.hubbys in bed,saturdays nights are not what they used to be are they?
Question Author
hi chrissy
im not you anymore

im someone else lol

btw >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i am whiffy !!

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