Say for instance , you were seriously needing medical treatment, you go to you local A&E, and if yours is anything like mine , some of its Doctors and Nurses are of Asian origin, do you say im not having one of these Muslim's treat me, I want a white Doctor/Nurse etc
the reason Im asking is if one doesnt like Muslim's... when it comes to saving your life .. how far WOULD you go?
I have been treated by muslims in hospital many times,one operated on my lung 4 years ago and he did a very good job. The religion of the doctor treating me is irrelevant as long as they can do their job!
Yes, I'm glad you find the issue funny! Do you have any other "proofs" (please read as ARGUMENT) that you're not racist, apart from the lovely (yet classic) "I know a muslim person/ someone in my family married a muslim / my friend is black ?
A question can be tainted with racism as much as a statement can be. If you can't see what the obvious problem with your question is, I suggest you either go back to school if you're not there already, or attend it much better if are.