Travel7 mins ago
has this place gone mad ?
36 Answers
whiffy posting a complaint about a thread and then saying he feels empathy with it ?
am i the only one who doesnt understand what the helll hes goin on about ?
if anyone knows feel free to explain ?
am i the only one who doesnt understand what the helll hes goin on about ?
if anyone knows feel free to explain ?
Best Answer
No best answer has yet been selected by legend006. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our mean the div actually made a concious decision to attack another aber? Let me just check the Site Rules again, I think that may constitiute a life ban.
pixi youre on some trip tonight
following me for 3 hours .
youre a nasty vincious little c0w and i dont care what you think.
get over yourself and you appear to be here just wanting an arguement b
youre boring
and im not gonna continue replying to your drivel.
youve made your point plenty of times , strangely you dont behave like this on other sites like exo mind you theres moderators there eh ?
and for a moderator of 2 or 3 sites as youve previously posted your behaviour here today stalking my posts has been pathetic.
end of conversation .
go skin up you really need to chill out
and youve always been two faced , i was warned.
following me for 3 hours .
youre a nasty vincious little c0w and i dont care what you think.
get over yourself and you appear to be here just wanting an arguement b
youre boring
and im not gonna continue replying to your drivel.
youve made your point plenty of times , strangely you dont behave like this on other sites like exo mind you theres moderators there eh ?
and for a moderator of 2 or 3 sites as youve previously posted your behaviour here today stalking my posts has been pathetic.
end of conversation .
go skin up you really need to chill out
and youve always been two faced , i was warned.
Leg I have sussed it out now and it aint whiffey and for once I will agree with what the freak said but I aint making a habit of it
It is the ab site that is skrewed and duplicatting questions and knobbynonuty is so close to knobbynonutts and the site cannot disquionees (you know what I mean) between the 2 but as for the posts that I did not post on here well that was probbably whiffey and co taking advantage of a worm hole if you get my drift
It is the ab site that is skrewed and duplicatting questions and knobbynonuty is so close to knobbynonutts and the site cannot disquionees (you know what I mean) between the 2 but as for the posts that I did not post on here well that was probbably whiffey and co taking advantage of a worm hole if you get my drift
Leg I have sussed it out now and it aint whiffey and for once I will agree with what the freak said but I aint making a habit of it
It is the ab site that is skrewed and duplicatting questions and knobbynonuty is so close to knobbynonutts and the site cannot disquionees (you know what I mean) between the 2 but as for the posts that I did not post on here well that was probbably whiffey and co taking advantage of a worm hole if you get my drift
It is the ab site that is skrewed and duplicatting questions and knobbynonuty is so close to knobbynonutts and the site cannot disquionees (you know what I mean) between the 2 but as for the posts that I did not post on here well that was probbably whiffey and co taking advantage of a worm hole if you get my drift
nutty one look back on your post, you've posted and responded with your two nutty aliases, nothing is wrong with this site and your names. for example, look carefully at your postings on this thread and you will see exactly what i'm talking about. you just trip yourself up. or legend trip you up. lol