Are you for real? A write up, like you took to long on a break please sign here on this line and we will send to HR. And it will go in your file. A write up? Any lawyer would know what a write is.
Are you for real? This is a public website answered by anyone who has the expertise or experience to answer & there aren't necessary any lawyers on here.
grrr why do people suppose thye will get sensible answers if they start off aggessively. I also Have no idea what a write up is, but it dosent hurt to try and get more information in order to answer the question. But hey, if you dont want people gathering more info to you extraordinarily vague question maximelt, then dont expect anyone to answer
Well, the questioner was getting at me, but thanks all for your support, I had never heard of it either. My background experience is very similar to Factor30.
Pity I can't give you all some stars.
I also have similar experience to buildersmate and am a tribunal panel member and I've never heard of the term either. Sounds as though the firm is issuing illegal disciplinary notices?