If it was boiling hot but you didnt have a bikini, swimming costume would you sit in the park/on the beach/in your back garden in your bra and knickers?
Fellas if you didnt have shorts or trunks (does anyone wear trunks anymore? lol) would you sit in public in your skiddies?
Noooooo way, I'd maybe do that at home, well at my parents because my garden is at the front and my house is on a main road, but no, would not do that in public. Not during the day anyway ;)
I was on about sunbathing yesterday when the question came up. I wouldnt sunbathe in a bikini or cossie anyway cos I hate the sun but I couldnt understand the people that do when they said they wouldnt dare do it in their knickers and bra. They are just the same, a top bit covering your top bits and a bottom bit covering your bottom bits lol