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wow this is incredible

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Doc Spock | 21:58 Tue 15th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
driving home tonight I passed a car with registration No. XV05 CJD.

there must be 20 million cars in this country. what are the odds of seeing just that one. amazing.


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Don't get it :-(
????? sorry Doc , that's gone right over my head xxx
What is the amazing bit?

Im known for missing the point btw... :D
At a guess 20000000 -1 -bet you wish you had money on it now !
just searched it to see if that shed any light onto what you mean, but it says XV05 CJD doesn't exist...!
I dont know what is special about it but I do know that that car is the only car in this country to have that number
are you pulling our collective plonkers doc?
Oh right, now I get it.
There's nothing special about the plate. Doc is just commenting on the odds of seeing one in particular. However, the joke loses its appeal if you have to explain it.
the joke loses its appeal when its not funny too!!
well it doesnt exist so maybe doc made it all up?

<<checks plonker
Know what you mean Doc.....!
I must be getting old...people keep wanting to buy me number plate off me ?cant work than one out..scratches chin .....ORG 451M...must be alot a people out there called org...!! (:O)
seen a car last week M10 RGY!
lol way 2 go gonzo.
Lucky you Vinny, nobody wants to buy mine, its V14 GRA

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wow this is incredible

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