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why is

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dotovaposted | 23:03 Tue 15th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
B00 in a clique and i am not, i want to be in a clique, sort it out ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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because she always first in line
for the cakes lol xxx
Question Author
fair comment, but she is annoyingly cliquey and i want to be in a clique that is not based on fatty consumables grrrr
When you have sussed out this clique stuff and worked out how to get invited into one, can you please let me know, Dot... I've never been in one either.... are they nice places and do we get fresh bread ?
Well what can I say other than......

Ner ner ner ner nerrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;-)
do you want to be in a right-clique, or maybe a double-clique?
ive got a cliquey hip, is that the same?
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it;s just clicked, I have no clique, I am distraught
-- answer removed --
I am in a clique at school. The other teachers even call us "The Clique" They are just jealous. HaHa

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