What makes you stay with this man?
Are there happy times, too?
Why don't you move out, and make your own happy life?
For most of your thread it sounds like he is using you, and why would you let yourself be treated like this?
He does not want to interact with his children!
Did you speak about the relationship him and your children were going to have before you moved in together?
He makes you watch TV in the bedroom (now that one made me laugh)!
Why don't you take your children outside or play with them, while they are with you?
They can watch TV at home, and you can watch it when they are gone.
I would imagine that there must be better things to do with the time you have together!
But in general: Stop being his servant.
Stop ironing his shirts, stop cleaning after him.
And my first instinct says: STOP being with him, but that is for you to decide!