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VH1 Classic

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Drisgirl | 02:11 Sat 19th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
O man -brill music -singing like a linty here.

Just thought i'd share it with ya alll -its peachy doss !!!!!!!!!

Baffies are off and some boogying is going on down and I am sober as well -lol !!

Madonna just now but just had the Monkees and the Jam -superb - o and Elton !!!!

Dont say im not good to you all mwah (spesh for Bob) xxxxxxx


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Driss I know that this might sound of funny but I do not want to have your e mail addy of a web site I want to have it throught personal friends god fking wamkere anni but thats me I have princelpalls don |I
Step away from the glass, really.
Whiffey shruuur thfruukkk up as you know that you have been dissed and you have to earn your street credit back on here now you toss er
Excess alcohol can lead to health problems including:

* depression

* liver cirrhosis

* heart failure

* damage to the brain and nervous system.

Starting at the end of the list and working backwards, noguts?
Oh bless! Knobby - leave it, leave it! Pmsl - x
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Its sound cos I have EMailed Leg -it was a bit complex cos i cant do simple -he knows that tho.In fact the email was totally t!ts up but he;s used to it with me - catch ya when I get back Knobby xx

Naz -get tae really ya aint fooling no-one foooooooool!!!!
Except your good self it would seem?
Question Author
Spin Naz -I aint no fool !!!
I'm not who you think I am, obviously.

Still, you're happy, in your own sweet way, I expect?
Have one for me while you're soaking up the sun, dris - PB - mwhahaha! xxx
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O is someone doing the typing for ya Naz -lol
Sorry Maureen, you really do have me confused with someone else.
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ooo errr personal -NOW that is really bad craic-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like I coiuld give a flying fcuk -one up on me cos i have never hidden my name -why would I -I have nothing to hide.

Bring the next nugget on -waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I said on the other thread - I'm off to bed now. Don't worry Dris. Your son knows the score, as you do. Have a great holiday. Night to you, knobby, - and everyone! Lol - including whiffey and green whiffey!!!!

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