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knobbynits | 10:36 Sat 19th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
well me and le duck are of to go on one in a while (mon due it is a very big one) and whattever you say about them about cancer and stuff I dont care cause I am vain and whattever they say that it does not give you any protection from the forieng sun well it does me.

I always go on the sunbed about a month before I go on my holls and When I get in the sun I never burn and only have to use minimun sun protection and after 2 days I do not have to use any.
Madyorca here we come and 2 weeks after that just watch out the dominican republic cause knobby and wife are coming to visit you armed with a camera


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Well I can see this is a very popular subject on here.

I will take my post and stick it in travel then or maybe even weather.
Sunbed -pah !!!!
Tomorrow this time I will be getting the real rays -yippee !!!

O BTW -I dont like sunbeds -I fake it -lol

O cannae wait for the photies -tell Lippy I was asking for her x
I like sunbeds too but the fake stuff can be good so I use both now x
Hey lil -catch ya when I get back -hope everything is good with ya xxxx

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