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Are you good with directions?

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sandrajo | 12:06 Sun 20th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Can you find your way around anywhere? I'm a nightmare with directions we go into Glasgow a lot and I'd still get lost if I took the wrong corner!


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Hi sandrajo , can't say I was bad as a youngster , but now I'm awful .
me and a friend play a game on maps live. He tries to direct me from A to B ! I am absolutely hopeless and he gets really frustrated at how bad i am at it! ! LOL its fun though!

Think id be a bit better on a real map! I am good at following road signs though when im a passenger in a car.
Question Author
Knobby. Can I get a portable tom tom to carry bout in my hand bag????
I am good at map reading!! Mr Funny is useless and I enjoy saying
"I told you we should have turned back there!!"
nutz, tomtom are soo unrealiable!! maps r sooo much better!

im rubbish at giving directions, when people ask me for directions, i always say sorry i dont know. even though i do know where it is lol.
iwas not now

i need a white stick

going any were nice if we give you directions

nutz you are nutz hahahahah xxxxxxxxxxx
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I've got quite a poor sense of direction (and I drive a bus for a living!) but I in my future wife's home town the other week (a massive place) and she knew it like the back of her hand from one end to the other tiny little shops that sell minor little things tens of miles apart in a sprawling city centre of millions of people. I was impressed.
It's weird but I have a really good sense of direction and rarely ever get lost. I love maps and I'm told I'm really goos at giving directions.
My mother has a theory that during evolution humans inherited dna strands from various animals and birds that give us different skills and characteristics. She's always maintained mine comes from a homing pigeon and a hedgehog as I never get lost and would happily sleep thorugh the winter!!
i am ridiculously bad, as anyone who has ever been in a car with me can testify. Whiskeysheri yesterday very kindly said I would probably be ok if I drove, but I wouldn't, I'd be even worse. :)
Yes - I can read maps (I don't even have to turn them upside down!). I think I was a homing pigeon in a previous life. Strange thing is although I have a very good sense of direction I have trouble telling left from right.
Yes i am very good, i know the OS map of England and wales quite well and can usually mentally work out where toi get to anywhere withour actually referring to it,
you are all obviously very dense as it is very simple
dotty, would you mind awfully splitting yesterday's parking ticket with me and Whisks, 3-ways? Seeing as it was partly, well, mainly your fault we got it? ;)
Bensmum, you may be dyspepsic. Try Coca-Cola!

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