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Dropping a knife.

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mistys | 18:15 Sun 20th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Has anyone heard that if you drop a knife it's bad luck to pick it up yourself? Was the person just being lazy by getting me to pick it up, or is this true? Thanks.


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Pretty bad luck if it lands blade down into your foot .
I heard that too but hard lines if you live alone eh , bit like if you drop a glove mistys :-) xxxx
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LOL mamma, good point!!

What is it bad luck to pick up a dropped glove too? This is a bit silly, I'm forever dropping things, no wonder I have such bad luck!! - xx
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be have knobby x
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never heard of that mistys, perhaps ya jusy lazy picking it up yaself ;) x

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Dropping a knife.

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