I just had a conversation with my pal about this, his opinion of men who domate sperm is
"Donors make a deposit and their anonymous profile is set up ... lots of them are fantastic on paper .. but the only reason they're donating sperm is because they're sad and lonely with no chance of getting laid .. and they reckon there's something noble about getting paid to have a ****."
Now, I have to confess I have never thought about WHY a man would do this, can anyone shed any light on what his motives for me, or is he really just in it for the cash?
that was a bit aggressive. People donate blood because it obviously saves lives. I wouldnt donate my eggs but I would readily donate blood or bone marrow.
My brother inlaw donated his sperm a few years ago he said it was for; 1) to help childless couples out. 2) the money that was offered was good. 3) the nurses are gorgeous....honest his words lol
it's not quite the same... giving blood doesn't leave you related to the recipient. I don't think I'd be bothered about giving away (or selling) spare reproductive equipment to someone who needed it; but I could understand if other people had their doubts about it.