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Interesting user names.

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puss_boots | 20:28 Sun 20th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I have just been looking around AB today not doing very much but I am intrigued by VorVZakone where did he/she get this name from and what does it stand for?
I know all about the Qs before about user names but this one seem very unusual. So...............


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so just because someone has joined a dating agency they've not to be trusted!!! shame on you knobby....
perverted dating agency
may i add

very rude from wat i seen x

my opinion no offence to him

the person that found it musta been looking for it as i dont
i look at the link and thats it for me

so puss wat do you think then x

if hes rich i have a go

only joking he could be a nice person
but? judging sum of his answer ,s i dont know yet wat to make of him/her xxxxxxxx

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