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hi all. just got back to me cave.

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kawa4 | 20:18 Mon 21st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
i been out hunting n gathering all day there was loads of provisions already in. but i still got no dinner ready. what do u think about that then.


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Think you should phone for a pizza LOL
Think it might be an idea to try to find where the kitchen is located lol
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hi haysi lol
Well, I've just cooked an Asian banquet! We've got Thai, Indian or Chinese - welcome to come over and help yourself - beer's in the fridge, or juice if you prefer. Pad Thai noodles with chicken and prawns...lamb bhuna, chicken tikka and chicken satay with peanut sauce. beef madras, pilau rice, sweet and sour pork, peking crispy duck with pancakes and hoi sin sauce....chips.....
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hi cruella the kitchen is that were we keep the lawnmower lol
hi merco id love to come round 4 a snack of what youve got on offer but it the morning i think i mite hav to dab my bum instead of wipe it! LOL!!
It may end up on fire kawa!
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cruella thats funny!! LOL!!! I once heard a song called A burning ring of fire! LOL!!
I want to come over to merciasounds too! That sounds delicious. I only had a microwave meal :(
You would end up looking like a chimp kawa.
Not face wise either.
Question Author
i already do and the doc has given up cruella
oh kawa, you are awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

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hi all. just got back to me cave.

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