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sir.prize | 22:25 Mon 21st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
Nice to see the slimy greenies from Sunday evening have been Dalek-ed!!!!!


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Ok, can we just live in sin then??? be good hellie, sounds like you had good weekend with "cb" she mailed me, really good that, makes it real doesn't it. xx
Lol hellie! I got my first one the other week as well. Hope the evening was fun for you both though - x
Have you put a poultice on the other half's ankle then ray??
whats it called when one man has a few wives??? Can you change religion to accommodate us all ray??
I'm always good ray, you know that :)
Yes the weekend with Whisks was fab thank you, she is a corker ain't she? I'd marry her as well given half the chance :)
what the hell is going on??? I can't post and I definately have not overposted!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr
Hellie, where did you park to get a ticket? pay it asap, the office is behind the indoor market. it's cheaper to pay it quickly
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hehehe we parked on Dicconson Terrace Dot, we were about 9 minutes over, so entirely your fault! We've already paid it hun, did it online. You can send your third, in cheque form, made out to Mrs Hellie Bobs. Thank you!! :)
Don't you believe it invisible ;-)
Whoops! Is that really you Dot? Evening Dot! Yep - best to pay as soon as - but it's gone up to �35 if you pay it within 14 days. My other half thought it was still �30. how would HE know????
did you over submit dot? AB is playing up for me tonight, very slow
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blimey that's a long walk!!! you should have parked in the Debs car park it's not dear and handy. You probably wandered around shopping cos you both looked so laid back anyway!!!!!! Still telling people about how you ambushed me lol

I don'e know why i am zapped again, i didn;t overpost Hi ice maiden!
why is the div persisting in trying to upset people, I wish we had an ignore button, i am imagining in my minds eye that there is one.
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Always park there Dot, my dad used to live on that street.
Don't try and make out it was our own fault, we both three know you held us hostage in there ;)
oh legend what ever happend to your Jnr :)
what a silly person! do anyone know whos playin these pranks?
oh r u all on FB??
well you never said you were in a rush!!!!! If you've paid I guess I'll have to sort you out some loose change next time you pop in lol
We drove all the way back here with the fine stuck to the windowscreen and didn't even notice it was there, so no surprise we got it was it? Doh!
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ohhhh ok i didnt know fakebook exsited! so most go on there?

well i guess the ones that have been banned on here obviously gone to hat site!!!

but i would like to say to the cloners, fakers... Get A LIFE!!

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