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Next floor menswear

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bigmamma | 09:36 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What would you do ? I would go crazy , or maybe not ,
ooo , not sure ....:-o


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Pardon gravitate ???
how did he do that with out a toilet?we all know wot men are like....................
Well fistly my shoes would be straight off. Then I would freak out. And once realising I was stuck I'd catch up on some sleep or use the time to sing my heart out knowing no one could hear me :o)

Oh and I would sooo pee myself!!! - xx
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Hello codgers kid , and mistys , I would soooo want the loo.
Maybe he did at one point but then felt dehydrated . I would be in trouble without my medications though !
Morning mamma & all :)

I would seriously panic, i'm not claustraphobic but i'm not too keen on being in enclosed spaces for any lenghth of time.
I think I could hack it pretty easy. As long as I knew it wouldn't drop.
also, in america, you could sue them for $8Million for untold stress and how it ruined your life. pu$$ies.

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