Not your AB username (you chose that one) but the name your parents chose for you? I've always fancied being called 'Algernon' after my hero 'Algernon Tarquin Farquin Sinbib Dinbin Linbin F'tang F'tang Ole Buiscuit Barrel' of the Monster Raving Loony Party What would your ideal name be? TIA
I don't mind mine, it's not unusual but I don't come across that many - there were 3 of us at primary school.
In my 'made-up' games when I was little I always wanted to be Vanessa, no idea why, guess I thought it sounded a bit glam :)
I hated my name when I was younger but now im older its nice because it is different i was named after my great nanny Celia the only thing is not many littluns can say it so its great to hear their version of it. Loving your chosen name 4GS altho I think you might have probs on the competition lines when repeating your name after the bleep!! lol
Your wife has a great name, John! :) I used to hate it, but I don't mind it now. I always wanted to be called Donna when I was little, as that's my cousin's name and I always thought she was really glamorous back then (she really isn't). The only thing I don't like about it is the fact it can't be shortened- it means I get lumbered with loads of nicknames instead. :)
My porn star name is Whiskey St. James, whish is pretty cool!
Hi 4GS -
No, I've never liked my name! So much so that when I was single, I once used a different name to someone I'd met. They rang up, when I still lived at home & my dad said, think you have the wrong number mate! Last I saw of him lol!! There's a song, ' Lying in the arms of ---- xxx