Herbie - your friend must be pretty scared about his forthcoming operation and worried about how he will cope physically. The hospital and his GP should be setting up physiotherapy sessions for him afterwards. I don't think it makes any difference to the heart which foot is amputated. Obviously all surgery carries a risk and if your friends has already suffered a stroke, this may be higher than average. If he has nobody else to support him, go with him to his GP before the operation and try and find out what support he will get afterwards in terms of physiotherapy, and disability benefits and help. Obviously mobility is going to be a big problem for him after the operation and his GP or the hospital should be putting him in touch with Social Services to arrange some aftercare. He will probably be in no fit state immediately after his surgery to start asking for all this kind of help so if you're a real friend you may have to start being a bit "pushy" on his behalf. Try not to think of your own reactions and just put yourself in his position.