Firstly sorry to hear this, it's a very hard time for you and will not be easy, but you already know that!
My advice, having had my mother and sister going through cancer, is to make peace with what is happening and this means accepting whats going to happen. You will feel like hitting out and getting angry, which is normal, but as soon as you realise you cannot change this, you will become stronger!
Make everything in your life easy to manage, as not to add any more stress! You may feel like you are too emotional to cope, but you already ARE coping (might not feel that way) but you are!
Use your family and friends for support and remember that you are not superhuman, you can cry, get stressed and get angry!
Most important, if you feel you need more support and feel at a loss, there are support groups out there! I did a lot of googling my mothers cancer and got to speak to lovely people on the other end of the phone!
I send you my love, take care chick x x x x x