There are many jobs that carry with them more stress than a teacher could ever envisage. But the employees in these jobs cannot go on strike.
Members of the armed forces for instance, no regular hours for them, or weeks and weeks of holidays , and the stress, well we all know what they have to contend with on this level. For what financial reward, a fraction of what they really deserve. A job in the private sector that carried half the risk would be on much better pay than they get. But do these men or women get the support of most of the general public? The answer is no.
It is mentioned many times on this site, that they know what the job entails, and they are not forced to join, but neither are teachers, policemen, firefighters, nurses/doctors, ambulance personel etc, etc, but gee we are sure glad some decide to do these jobs?
So teachers get back at the job you decided to follow, or find some other career. Teachers should be paid on results. Judging by the standard of education some of our children are leaving school with, they should be taking a reduction in their pay, not seeking a rise.