My granddaughter is in her second year as a teacher in the NUT union. She is on about �20000 a year which she considers to be decent pay. She drives for 40 minutes to her school, and does all the extra marking and after hours meetings that others have mentioned.
She tells me that she voted against strike action, and that it has been voted for by a majority of the 30% only of teachers that returned their ballot papers for counting.
She has been profusely thanked by one of the parents for not striking, which would have cost the woman much to
have her child looked after today.
Her school is in a poor area of Nottinghamshire, and has a high proportion of broken homes, one parent families,
some drug addict parents, and other drawbacks.
Some of her pupils are "little horrors", only their parents could love them, but of course no punishment can be given them other than referral to the headmistress.