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babybop6379 | 15:25 Thu 24th Apr 2008 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
my friend (male) was diagnosed with having hiv around 10 yrs ago he has been in good health and has lived a relatively full life workin constantly never been on benefits he lives with his partner and they had a civil partnership his partner works all hours godsend to provide for the pair of them as my friends health is getting worse as they keep putting him on different medication mixes so one day hes healthy and the other hes bad so holding a job down is an absolute nightmare! is there any benefit he can apply for? he says he needs medical certs for incapacity but his doctor is awful apparently the other thing is he has barely any energy to put his heart into getting anything out of them what does anyone suggest? with thanks xxx ps i cant help him out as we live mile and miles from each other


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He should talk with a Wefare Benefit Officer who will complete all the forms for him.
They are located at his Social Work Department or contact the CAB for their address.
The Terence Higgins website also has information about the Disability Living Allowance which he may find useful

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