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I Love Snow | 19:10 Thu 24th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
How would you approach the subject if you thought your friend was taking something illegal?


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if its your friend, ask them what do you think their taking?
I think this is a question from my mate 3ight
Depends what it is. I have friends who smoke pot. So what.
If I had a friend who took smack, I'd take time off work to stop them taking it. Or stalk the dealer then shop them.
Hmm depends what it is, do you know what theyre taking?
I would him them with it hard. Just ask them out of the blue, put them on the spot.

That will get it out of them ;D
ask him if he/she has anything left!lol! seriously would depend on how serious you thought the situation was..for instance i know lots of people who take drugs..some are recreational users and some i've had to speak to as i thought that it was becoming a bit of a problem. whatever way you approach it ,you risk being unpopular as when someone has a problem with drugs or alcohol..they are the last one to see it as such. tread carefully would be my advice!
Depends what you mean by "taking something illegal".Can you be more specific at all?
good answer VorVZakone, i'd do the same if it was some serious drugs.
ye stalkin the dealer sounds a great idea... have you actually ever met a dealer? whilst many of them are weasels they all have powerful 'friends'. You could find yourself in a whole lot of trouble...
the best thing you can do is invite your friend round to your house or flat make a brew and just ask him/her.just say listen $hithead whot you on .then just take it from there ,try to keep calm and be positive.
It depends on what you think they are taking and whether you think they are going to far on whatever it is.

I smoke weed regularly and wouldn't be put out if any of my friends asked me about it.

But if its something like smack they could get very defensive about it.
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I know its not weed. Buts its bad enough. She gots a baby of 14 weeks in the house. Tried to talk to her earlier on but it was as if she was looking right through me. I told her that i was taking the baby out the house for a while and the only answer i got was 'whatever'. She was totally spaced out but i don't know what from. I now have one screaming baby and a mother who doesn't know what day it is. What do i do next?

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