how can you have a tooth grow , in a gap of a tooth you had out years ago , found it funny at first , but now in agony , will see a dentist at some point , what age do you stop teething ? lol
Awwww - painful! Thing is, it might not be another tooth growing at all shanx. Sometimes, when you have a tooth out, bits of it splinter off and lay hidden under the gum. Sometimes these fragments work their way to the surface, and can feel like a new tooth breaking through - unless, of course, the one you had out was an old milk toth, and you're just becoming of age!!
Seriously shanx - my sister found a second tooth coming through and she's in her 30's! For some reason it lay dormant for years, then decided to pop up!
no truely , everyone have stuck there heads in my mouth , verdict is , its growing but not straight , i said tell that to me and the other teeth opposite , and the pain in my ear , i am off now for a tot to relieve the pain . thing. Bad toothache always strikes up and feels like you've got earache as well. Both as bad as each other.
Think you ought to see a dentist in the morning shanx.
willie what have tits got to do with toothache? hello ! i am trying to get an answer , has anyone experienced this , if not will get back and let you know the answer .