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I've just committed murder...

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Hellyon | 14:56 Fri 25th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Well it feels like it, just had to put my son's very sick fish to sleep in ice cold water and now I feel awful.


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Awww. :( Is your son okay, Hellyon?

My mate decapitated a duck when she hit it with her car a few months back. She was distraught!
Oh you did it. Did it go ok? Honestly, the fish is better off! Dying slowly would have been far worse! Poor you Here's a (((((((hug))))))

When we were younger, my brother and I had pet goldfish and whenever they died, he would gleefully put them in the toilet, wee on them and flush them away. They were usually my fish, his always outlived mine :(
Thanks helliebobs!!!!!!

I've now got boiling hot coffee dribbling out of my nose reading that, and it's gone on the keyboard
hi all. now get the frying pan out lol
It seemed perfectly normal to us at the time John :)
Ahhhh Tom & Jerry, Popeye & Bluto, Starsky & Hutch, Pepsi & Shirley, I loved them all... :(

Bless... a ritual weeing! A change from 'ashes to ashes...!"
But what is death to a fish? It has no concept of it...
If it was sick it was the best thing to do.
I have had to put down several chickens and a parrot over the years due to extreme illness of the birds.
When I put down the first chicken by wringing its neck I wasn�t exactly sure what I was doing and used a bit too much brute force... you wouldn�t think that a chickens head would pop like a Champaign cork but it does!!!
dont feel bad you have put the poor creature out of its missery!!
Perhaps I'm strange but I've never p1ssed on a dead fish!! and you should put a warning on posts like yours in case people have a mouthful of hot coffee whilst reading them
Aww bless you Hellyon!! I'm sure it was for the best, now he can join my fish wiggles in fishy heaven :o) - xxx
Blimey John, you actually sound quite mad at me! :(
Lol, not mad, ;-)
Phew, I'm glad! ;)
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Got to go and pick up my son in a minute- I'm just going to tell him Bubbles (!) died, I couldn't bear the way he'd look at me if I told him what I've done.

Thanks Andrea for your support earlier, yes I popped him in some iced water and then put him in the frezzer for an hour just to make sure.

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Helli - just deciding if I should suggest to my son that he sends Bubble off by ritual wee lol!
I'm sure he'd enjoy it Hellyon :)

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I've just committed murder...

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