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holidays whilst on sick

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hol5 | 12:12 Mon 07th Apr 2008 | Jobs
5 Answers
can anyone give me some advice on the above? holiday year runs april-march. i have been off sick since christmas and have had 10 days holiday due, yet have lost these as we have now entered the new holiday year. this is what my employers have advised. is the correct???


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Hope you are now better. Are you now back at work or planning to return? Are you allowed to carry any days forward to the next holiday year- some companies allow you to carry forward up to 5?
Rather than lose the 10 days why not ask your employer to convert 10 of your sick days to holidays? It would make your sick record look better and may help if ever your sickness record is being considered eg for a promotion or capability issue.

at last an answer in touch with good sense

perhaps the questioner was expecting that when and if eventually the sicknote runs out instead of returning to work immediately then the ten days holiday can be taken!

hopefully during the ten days holiday they will manage to get sick again and repeat the cycle

it beats working for a living
it is illegal for a company to withold your holiday pay fullstop

they cannot really carry them forward but in the situation when you were off sick, you are still entitled to payment for holidays, companies try and say "holiday years finished sorry you cant have them"

then they just margin the money,

if you make a written request for it and ask them to explain in writing why they cannot give it to you i guarantee they will just pay you for it ensure the letter is addressed to one of the managers and sent recorded delivery state you want a reply within 5 working days

if they fail to reply contact ACAS 08457 47 47 47 these are the government funded company who deal with cases like this

possibly speak to them first

hope this helps
with regards to factors response they will not to this as they can claim about 70percent of long term sick pay back from hmrc they cant claim back holiday pay

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holidays whilst on sick

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