One day...... a wealthy man took his son a trip to the countryside so he could show him how poor country people live. They stayed one day and one night in the home of a very humble farmer and at teh end of the trip when they were back home, the father asked his son what he thought of the trip.
The son replied 'very nice Dad' The father asked the son 'did yo notice how poor they were?' The son replied 'yes'
The father continued asking - 'what did you learn?'
The son responded 'I learned that we have one dog in our house and they have four. Also we have a fountain in our garden but they have a stream in theirs. We have imported lamps in our garden whereas they have the stars. And our gardens to to the edge of our property but htey have the horizon as their back yard'
At the end of the sons reply, the father was speechless' his son then said 'Thank you Dad for showing me how poor WE ARE !
Isnt it true that depends on the lens you use to see life? One can ask oneself what would happen if we give thanks for what we have rather than always asking for more.
Learn to appreciate what you have. Wealth is all in ones point of view.
cant imagine some poor beggar on the street corner when is minus 1 and raining saying ( oh how blest i am to have all this fresh air and this blanket ) look at them poor sods in there little warm houses they are so unlucky that they cannot see the stars when they are tuck up in there beds