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randomater | 18:48 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | Society & Culture
11 Answers
Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
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No - not unless everything else is 16 - ie driving, buying alcohol, buying tobacco, marriage, buying porn, signing legally binding contracts, going to war, having the same rights as any adult - w/o parents consent. All should be the same age. You're an adult and capable of coherent rational decision-making or you're not.
Good God no.
It should be put back to 21. At least then people have some idea of life etc. even if it not much. At 18 I had no idea about politics even though I was in the Army.
A persons brains is not developed until 20 years old according to latest research. It must be higher d to the same.
I'm not voting till I fully understand pollitics

Bellringer, you'v answered your own question.
There is no means test for voting, it's a human right.
At 18 you say you did'nt know anything, it's what one does know that inspires you to vote.
And by virtue of the fact that you knew you were willing to fight for your country (die even) demonstrates more clearly than I (who's never served) your right to vote aged 18.
It doesn't take brains to learn how to kill people.
But it takes experience & time to learn about life and ways of life, and how one thinks the country should be run. 18 is too young for that.
Look at the average high street on Friday & saturday night. Over run by voters whose sole intent is to get out of their minds with booze. Are these really the people who should decide your future.
I agree with bellringer - heaven forbid the voting age is lowered to 16.
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but don't you think that if the voting age was, for example 21, it would discourage teenagers from getting involved and interested in politics, as they may feel that it does not apply to them??
I'm 34 and still don't understand politics! I'm ashamed to say, due to the fact that I have no idea about politics, I have never voted. Politics to me is sooooo boring I'd rther spend my time on something more ineresting to me.
I'm 27 and find the whole thing confusing! I think between 18 and 27, I have changed my views and what I think is important many times!

A 16 year olds perseption of what we 'need' will be a bit warped! At 16, I thought I was old enough to know it all, wanted a boyfriend and though the drinking age was unfair!

Think 18 is also a bit young!

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