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What do you think your chances are of winning?

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Lisa1983 | 09:55 Tue 29th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers


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One swift kick in her b0llox and she'd be finished
hit a person, any size, in the right place, and they'll go down like a sack sh1t.

She is effin huge though!!!
Who stole my pic from facebook and distributed it on here? hang your head in shame!

I would only take her from behind :-)
Leg that's not the burd youre looking for then ?
I wouldnt take that from behind, not even with yours Logic

*Spaced confirms that Jules looks nothing like that!*

logic make sure you both wear a paper bag over your heads, her in case she looks at you while your ahem taking her, you in case hers falls off while shes looking at you taking her
Question Author
lol@logic. I just noticed a thread headed "where's ma burd" lol legend i've found her for you mate!!!!
Probably none but I'd give it a good go ; )

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What do you think your chances are of winning?

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