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Fao Bigmamma....

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theonlyone | 20:32 Wed 30th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How is the tooth? and where have all
the usual ABers gone to ? bfn


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Bfn, that's a new one to me!!

Mamma was on this morning and she seems Ok.
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funnygirl means ..bye for now ...
Learn something everyday, Onlyone.

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Ok ..chill out ..enjoy your evening ...
don't you know anything funny ?
Hello theonlyone , thank you for asking , I had a good lunchtime sleep catch-up hun , and am feeling a bit better this evening . Hello funnygirl , xxxxxxx
Evening logic :-) xxx
I will not rise to the bait!!!

Evening Logic,

Why aren't you watching the footie??!!
Hi Mamma,

So you are feeling better?!!!
How's the tooth? Gone!
Wish it was gone but Ihave 4 more days of antibiotics before the dentist removes it , I 'm dosed up on panadols so am feeling ok at the moment :-) xxxxxx
Hi mamma been having trouble with tutsy pegs ?
WHOOPS sorry, hi funny.
Yes logic , I have :-(
Tutsy pegs!!!

Why cannot you speak english Logic??!!

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So Logic you know everything !!!
That's it Onlyone, tell him!!!

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Do you know the answer?

Fao Bigmamma....

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