I have a coat that needs washing. The label says to use "Pure Soap" and not any other detergent or fabric softener. Anyone got any ideas what pure soap is and where I can get it? Also if I buy it for washing the coat, is there anything else I can use it for?
Don't know if you can still buy Lux Flakes but if so that's pure soap. If not you could try your local health shop who will sell Eco and i think they make a pure detergent. Good luck
Pure soap is that bar of stuff you have on the side of the basin to wash your hands with. You can just use a regular bar of soap & grate it up - use a food processor to save time. Dissolve the flakes thoroughly in warm water and hand wash your coat. If you live in a hard water area you can use some soda crystals to soften the water - much cheaper than the alternatives.