Recognizing differences in terminology between the U.K. and here in the U.S. I'd advise that, first your'e going to have to determine if you can obtain the required "skirting" board (it's called mop board here) to match what's already installed. If it's an older home, it may not be available. At any rate, the most difficult part of the installation will be mitiring the 45 degree angle cuts at the corners. There are, at least here, very serviceable, less expensive and more easily worked such boards (actually mouldings) that are made of a rigid foam material. The are available in wood tone but also can be painted. They can easily be cut with a small saw but can be trimmed to fit neatly with a sharp knife or even heavy duty scissors. It's usually glued up but can be nailed as well. Getting the correct mitre can be done with an inexpensive mitre box and saw. Here in the U.S., I find one at about $10 (U.S.) that would certainly do for a one time job like yours...
Best of lusk!