a horse threw off its rider [whilst using public highways]and ran into my car causing hundreds of ��s of damage thankfully everyone involved is ok but where do i stand on claiming against the horse rider for the damage to my car
Most horse owners should have 3rd party insurance these days, it comes as standard with any insurance policy they'd have and also with membership of orgainisations such as the BHS or BSJA if they take their riding more seriously. I don't think they have to have such insurance to ride on the road but they'd be stupid not to.
The only hassle you might get is if your driving caused the horse to rear in the first palce.
horses and riders do not need insurance to be on the road, but as a moterest u do. so u would have to claim off your own moter insurence. not very nice but true.
Again, horses and riders do not need insurance to use the road, but in law the owner/rider is responsible if the animal is on the road. The only way to approach it is to either ask the rider for insurance details, or if not pursue a civil case.