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no shops on Sunday

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dustypuss | 20:01 Sun 04th May 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
can you remember when the shops shut all day Sunday

what did we do

have a lay in
pub at 11.00 fore a hour then go home have
Sunday lunch roast beef & veg have a kip in the after noon
play in the garden till tea time
watch a bit of telly then of to bed .

bliss or what


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Blame the Americans, i am sure they started it all
yes i do and I remember when the News of the world was soooooo big, it had to be spread across the floor to be read by my Dad.

Sundays was bath night when we were kids , lol and i remember all the school clothes being laid out for Monday morning.

We used to have to get up and turn the telly over! How bad was that???

Telly used to go off at midnight!!!!!!!! wowah! Just leaving us with that little dot just after the National Anthem.

Oh they most certainly were the days dusty!

Sunday afternoon was Sunday School at 2pm, so we always had sunday dinner at 1pm.

There wasn't any football on a sunday either, can't remember there being any sport on.
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I remember my friends were the first to get a remote with there TV and they were all way showing off with it
the TV was only four feet away

i always use to thing Lazy sods!

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no shops on Sunday

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