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I cannot believe how busy it has been in work today!

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dot.hawkes | 20:33 Sun 04th May 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
it must be because it is raining, looks like it will be even busier tomorrow if this rains persists!! Guess that's what bank holidays are for lol


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Oh I know how you feel Dot, I am funking knackered. Work was manic today and I was on my own. Now just need to get an early night and prepare for tomorrow!!

I hate bank holidays, I want to be sitting in the pub garden drinking pimms not sweating it out in the kitchen!!!
your lucky Im self employed so i dont get paid for bank holls
I barely do Dusty lol
Not a drop of rain in sight down here...nah,,na..nahhh!.....but I have to work tomorrow also with no extra in my pocket..grrrr
its a 24 hrs society loads of us are workin weekends and bank holidays, and i dont get paid bank holidays
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I don't get paid extra for working tomorrow, though i do get a days paid holiday for it, they try to make out that is giving you double time, doesnlt seem like it though!
what you do for a living
sound like hell
You're lucky,dot...I don't even get the extra day's holiday.
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lol,dusty, i am the manager of a large shoe concession in a national department store chain. it's not hell really lol
oh you must be very well heeled then

bet you not heard that before :-)
i used to work in a kitchen of a coffee shop and i hated working bank hols, more on the lead up to christmas (sorry for swearing) when the place got so packed out they were cueing to get in and the boss would lock the door until the orders were caught up on as they d be going off the end of the table and coming back again, i still have nightmares about not being able to read orders and ive been left six years.

Can i have two coffees and a cream bun pls
that will be �6.80 please dustypuss and dont forget to tip your friendly waitress........:-)
�6.80 :-0

must be bettys t shop?
no dusty puss just a little coffee shop in downtown carlisle trying to pretend its posh.........not!!!!

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I cannot believe how busy it has been in work today!

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