what is a good pc repair software to purchase.that will not cause any further problems on my pc.I need to clean up my computer as it is very sluggish. thanks...les
Some people might suggest a regcleaner too, but I wont. Ive seen too many bork a pc because the user doesnt have a clue
about the Registry and just deletes everything that shows up.
Anyhoo, if your pc is that bad it's probably time to back up and wipe the drive and put in a clean install of Windows.
fay ... I'd have to agree with Mac ... in principle
however ccleaner would be my choice ... it's more configurable ... and the default settings are less aggressive
I rebuild every 12 - 18 months.
you're right about the need to scan ... and the defragging ... to a point ... ntfs is less prone to problems with fragmentation ... but if it's excessive it can be like throwing a switch ... past a certain point and your machine will almost stop.
the most important thing though is free space... NTFS likes a minimum of about 20% on the system disc....
so a good cleanout is essential ... just hitting the 20 is no good ...
invest in a second HDD, an external HDD or a cake of CDs or DVDs ... and get copying ... and deleting