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Music to listen to when flying or would I be

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sandrajo | 00:53 Wed 07th May 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
better with one of them audio books?


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Try Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side Of The Moon', especially track 3!
I have my ipod or whatever you way spell them -my son bought me one an Apple mac for Xmas -he then had to download all the songs but hey he did a good job cos i sang myself to sleep on the last flight back from Spain-i was nudged by H constantly cos you cant help a sing a long but i bored myself to sleep.
Smirk at delboy there!
Question Author
haha, very funny delboy3...don't think I'll bother with that one
; o)

thanks dris x

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Music to listen to when flying or would I be

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