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johnny 7

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mr. piper | 04:52 Sun 12th Dec 2004 | People & Places
4 Answers
does anyone remember a toy called a "johnny 7"? it was a toy rifle in the 60's that had 7 elements to it grenades, a pistol etc i do.


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Jonathon Ross often raves about it on his Radio 2 show on Saturday mornings. Apparently he has got about 8 of them which he has picked up in recent years.
Yep. My little brother had one in the sixties. So called because it fire 7 different types of amunition.
If you go to google images and type 'Johnny Seven' you can see one.


I had one in the 60's.

Even now I'm reminded by other 'kids' that I had to have the biggest gun. It was actually a rifle which fired bullets, grenades etc. It was too heavy for kids to carry - but you used to lay on the floor with it. it had legs which folded into the body and was the dogs b******s of guns! My mates got their revenge some years later when they all had Chopper bikes and I was bought a Cheaper version, foreign I think, in bright orange!

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