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It's my day off-

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pastafreak | 10:34 Thu 08th May 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
and it looks a glorious one. I am going to be good and force myself to do some housework..then it is off to town for a bit of retail therapy-whoopeee!........or should I be realistic and just ditch the housework?....serious answers,please.


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housework, whats that?? ........ :p
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Grrrrr...leggy-I am usually on my feet for 8+ hours straight-in what is becoming a very HOT kitchen...! And S& that you mention it...(pasta scratches head)
Hiya Pasta,
Housework an wait in this hot weather,get yourself down the shops more fun! x
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Hi are obviously the voice of reason!
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sjmart sod leg i think

morning pasta just finished work for the day

so who is cooking my dinner if your off

enjoy the shops and sunshine

leave the hoose work

Question Author
lol-was 'sugar & spice'.....morning harry-just back from work-how early you start hun??
7 30 this morning

bk at 10 no otther shifts to day

plus im off tommorow all day yippeeeeeeeeeeee xx

pay day even better x
Hey Pasta, I have the day off too (finallllllllly!!!!). I'm going to go into town and do some serious spending and just generally enjoy the sun actually coming out to play. The eight piles of washing I have to do can wait till tonight :o)

Hope you have a fabby day - xxxx

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It's my day off-

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