Awwww, what a lovely story Jo..... thanks for sharing it with us. Don't forget to get Flossy sorted out on the flea front before the warm weather sets in (eg Front Line - available from chemists, vets and pet stores) or you won't be too happy with sharing your life with other critters lol....
Did you know that you can get some great toys for cats ? The really *ahem* fun ones contain catnip (some cats seem to get a bit *high* on the stuff lol) or you can just make your own. My own cats used to love a strip of newspaper rolled and folded up, then attached to a piece of string which you held in your hand .... you just had to throw the *toy* onto the floor and wiggle the string, to see the cat have great fun *catching* the lure..... (this was particularly good fun with the lights switched off or down really low).
Another toy was a ball of left over kit kat wrappers (the aluminium foil sort), thrown down the stairs.... one of my cats used to love to pounce upon the ball, grab it in her mouth, hurtle back to me and gracefully deposit it at my feet, hoping I would throw it down the stairs again...