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80's music

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emma301 | 22:27 Fri 09th May 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
what was everybods fav 80s-90s song????


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I didnt go for nirvana, at the time most of the nirvana fans were sulky teens with a chip on their shoulder.

meatloaf was okay but didnt his songs go on forever?

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tears for fears everybody wants to rule the world
Drive -The cars
The safety dance - Men without hats
jump (for my love) -the pointer sisters
Owner of a lonely heart- Yes
Head over heels -Tears for fears
Wouldnt it be good- Nik Kershaw
I was a skinny 12 year old when I went to Knebworth and saw TfF open the show. they were really good - but Floyd were even better!

And you're right cazzz - I was one of those teenagers!! Lol. Meatloaf DOES go on a bit, but i went to see him not so long ago, and the poor guy couldn't reach the notes. I didn't really enjoy the gig.
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I agree with cazzz and tiggerblue!
There really are far too many to mention.
But the ones I really like are -
The first picture of you by The Lotus Eaters,
Boys of Summer by Don Henley
Cry Wolf by Aha / Living a Boys' Adventure Tale by Aha
Take on Me by Aha
Cars by Gary Numan
All Yazoo songs
Is this Love? ( I just love Alison Moyet 's voice)
Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel
Love plus One - Haircut 100
The Model - Kraftwerk
Hungry like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Something's good - Utah Saints
What time is love? - KLF
Golden Brown - The Stranglers
Everything counts - Depeche Mode
Vienna - Ultravox
Maid of Orleans - OMD
Sorry,I could go on,but as there are so many I don't have a particular favourite.Although I do like The Lotus Eaters song.

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Another classic!
And who can forget this.
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Anyone remember this?

Either love it or hate it. I love it!

I love that song Missy!
Oh yes - forgot Duran Duran!
lush lush

the road tohell

white wedding
the model

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