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Good Morning.

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DONNNAKEBAB | 05:50 Sat 10th May 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Looks like its going to be a nice day.

Have a great one.

Katie. x


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morning katie-- we are due a few thundery showers here(if you can believe louis lear bbc)
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Monring honey. What are you doing up at this ungodly hour. Are you off to work again. On a Saturday ? Oh you poor soul. Having said that, I took on my job because it was only 4 days a week and now I am under pressure and have been bobbing in on Fridays which is a pain. I also wanted to take a week off next week for Tillys SATS exams but its a no go. However I have told them that I wont be getting in until 9.30 and I will be leaving at 2.30 to be there for her before and after school.

She had a sleep over last night, bless, these ten year olds. Her friend came loaded with make up, face packs, new slippers and the works. We had fun, we went out shopping for our stuff to fill shoe boxes with to send to lady soldiers in Afghanistan, opened up chemistry set that Tilly had (MISTAKE as they had everything bubbling with salt, vinegar and the works lol ! Her friends tooth came out so I had to ring her Dad to ask for the going rate !I have put a �2 coin in Tillys tooth fairy box with two new little eye shadows and a note from the Tooth Fairy stating that if she went to sleep under her pillow to see if she could see the tooth fairy then the tooth fairy would come and take them all and then she would have to have false teeth lol.

True Story, my ex boyfriend told that to Tilly (he has false teeth due to an accident bless him) but the story put the fear of God into Tilly and she has not tried to stay awake all night since.

Have you any idea what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth by the way ?

Katie. x
Good morning katie & beejay
I've been down the garden listening to the birds - lovely to hear them in the morning. It looks and feels thundery here too but tomorrow is supposed to be good.
I have no idea what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth - I always told mine that all I got was an invoice from the fairies for the money!
Morning to all the other early risers - best part of the day
hi bensmum and katie-- no work today but because i am used rising early i cant lie on--bensmum ,yes it is the best part of the day
Morning all's going to be a scorcher
here today as it's 15c already ...enjoy ...
remember the suncream !!!
I can't sleep in either - get too used to being up early which is lovely in summer but not so good in the middle of winter!
Morning all, have great weekend,

the sun is out the sky is blue, theres not a cloud to spoil the view.enjoy,

look after the ones you love. xx
Morning katie , the sun's gone :-(
Morning to you too beejay , bensmum , theonlyone , and ray :-)
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Morning Mama, the weather looks okay here but I am hoping for a better one tomorrow to go car booting again! Its is such a releif to get so much stuff out of the way. It is going to take weeks and weeks but if its sunny tomorrow I can get rid of all the summer stuff, prams, summerwear, bikes etc etc etc !

Have a great one, do you have any plans.

Katie. x
Morning all, i`ve got a headache this morning, can`t think why. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Awww , that's a shame hau kola hun , hope it clears and you feel better after some brekkie . No plans this weekend katie , have a good successful cae boot sale :-)
Good morning everyone! Another fantastic day here in York so will be out there soon in the sunshine again. Off to the Park later
Morning all, looks a bit cloudy at the moment here but is warming up nicely. Hoping for lovely weather tomorrow in Bispham for a family barbecue
My morning's just brightened up .........what a fit window cleaner !
lol@bigmamma xx

Good Morning Katie/everyone...the temperature is rising here and I'm off to my niece's birthday party this afternoon. Hope you all have a good day :o)

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